We understand that each situation is fairly unique; BDS can customize a solution to fit the needs of you and your customer.
To determine the value of the inventory, BDS can quote you a price from a prepared listing, conduct a visual on-site survey, or have the material shipped to us for evaluation. We pay all inbound freight charges from your location to our facility.
At a time when inventory reduction is a corporate goal, BDS can help you help your customer reduce obsolete inventory without making it a problem passed on to you.
You likely have excess inventory clogging up your stock room, taking up valuable space which is costing you money. With our buyback program, we give you an upfront offer on prepared listings. If you don’t have a prepared listing, we will do an inventory evaluation for you. If you don’t like our offer, we will pay the freight back to you.
14888 Foltz Parkway
Strongsville, Ohio 44149
United States
Phone: 1-800-772-2479